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Ocean Affairs Council

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The Ocean Affairs Council conducted a focus group symposium on water recreation at the Hualien County Government on July 17, 2020
Unit:Department of Maritime Security

In recent years, water reaction activities have flourished, such as surfing, canoeing, stand-up paddling, diving, etc. The coastal competent authorities such as the county and city government, have announced that water recreational activities are banned in some areas due to such factors as safe environment and fishery use purposes. Minister Li Chung-Wei of the Ocean Affairs Council held a symposium to discuss with the general public concerns about the open seas at the Hualien County Government on July 17, 2020. The county government division and office representatives were invited to attend and join the discussion. The symposium attendees included: County Council Member Tien Yun-Hsin, Hsincheng Township Representatives Lin Kuo-Hsien and Tien Chin-Feng, and many industry representatives. During the symposium, in addition to in-depth discussions on issues related to the opening-up of water recreation, specific recommendations from all sides were gathered to serve as references for future policy promotion.

Ocean Affairs Council Minister, Li Chung-Wei, responded to the public opinions and took group photos with the focus group representatives. Ocean Affairs Council Minister, Li Chung-Wei, responded to the public opinions and took group photos with the focus group representatives.
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Ocean Affairs Council