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Research Report

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Research on Devising Strategies to Promote Ocean Health Index (OHI) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Unit:Department of Marine Resources

    Ocean Health Index (OHI) is an integrated indicator that is used to assess the status condition of 10 goals of 220 EEZ in the world via open-assessed databases, including 1. Artisanal Opportunities (AO), 2. Biodiversity (BO) comprising Habitat (HAB) and Species (SPP), 3. Coastal Protection (CP), 4. Carbon Storage (CS), 5. Clean Waters (CW), 6. Food Provision (FP) comprising Fisheries (FIS) and Mariculture (MAR), 7. Coastal Livelihoods and Economies (LE) comprising Livelihoods (LIV) and Economies (ECO), 8. Natural Products (NP), 9. Sense of Place (SP) comprising Iconic Species (ICO) and Lasting Special Place (LSP) and 10. Tourism and Recreation (TR). The assessment of each goal consists of 4 dimensions: (1) present status, which is the current status relative to reference; (2) trend, which is the status change (%) in the past 5 years; (3) pressure, which is negative impacts exerted by ecological and social factors; and (4) resilience, which is positive influence due to ecological and social factors. The score of OHI for each EEZ is the average of all the scores of the 10 goals. The score of each goal is the average of the scores of present status and likely future status. The score of likely future status consists of three dimensions: two thirds of trend in the past 5 years and one third of pressure deducted from resilience. The assessment of OHI can be conducted in two ways. One is the global and regional assessment and the other is the independent assessment or OHIP+P, which can be adjusted depending upon local conditions.
    In Taiwan, the scores were lower than the global average in Tourism & Recreation, Iconic Species, Lasting special places, and Clean Waters. However, the scores were higher than the global average in Fisheries, Mariculture, Artisanal Fishing Opportunities, Natural Products, Carbon Storage, Coastal Protection, Coastal Livelihoods & Economies, Habitat and Species condition. The global average of OHI during 2012~2020 was 70.82~72.31. The OHI score of Taiwan ranged 70.86~74.65 and ranked intermediate. In 2020, the ranking of OHI score was Australia and followed by Taiwan, China, and Philippines. Only the score of Australia was higher than the global average and the performance in environmental protection and Livelihoods & Economies was excellent. The OHI score of China was also good at Livelihoods & Economies. The OHI score of Philippines was  excellent at Tourism & Recreation. Intensive and extensive data collection and development of management strategy in CW, FIS, NP, LSP and TR is needed for Taiwan.
    We have conducted two on-line meetings respectively with Prof. Ting-Chun Kuo on 15 July 2021 and with Prof. Kuo-Wei Lan and Prof. Yu-Heng Lu on 22 July 2021 from National Taiwan Ocean University for fishery consulting. In addition, an expert meeting was held in 9 August 2021 and a cross-ministry meeting was held in 25 August 2021 to gather more suggestions and potential and reliable data sources. According to the conclusion from these meetings, the Taiwan OHI+ framework has been preliminarily constructed to better reflect the reality of Taiwan ocean condition. There are 8 major items, inlcuding Economies (AO+LE、FP-FIS and FP-MAR);Species (BO-SPP+SP-ICO、BO-HAB+SP-LSP);Coastal Protection (CS+CP、CW);Tourism and Recreation (TR).

  • Visitor: 328
  • Update: 2022-01-22
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Ocean Affairs Council