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Ocean Affairs Council

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The Ocean Affairs Council, in partnership with Taiwan and U.S. think tanks, extended assistance to the ally of Belize in their efforts to combat climate change.
Unit:Department of International Development

The Ocean Affairs Council, in collaboration with the National Academy of Marine Research, the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund, the Stimson Center, and the Belize government, spearheaded the "Climate and Ocean Risk Vulnerability Initiative" (CORVI) workshop in Belize City from October 2 to 6. This initiative aims to develop comprehensive risk assessment indicators and reports. These resources will serve to inform policy-making processes within the Belize government and facilitate the pursuit of climate funds from international financial institutions. Ultimately, the initiative seeks to bolster infrastructure resilience in the face of climate and ocean-related challenges.

  • Visitor: 37
  • Update: 2024-03-19
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Ocean Affairs Council