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Ocean Affairs Council

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Organized the APEC Marine Debris Fashion Show and Regional Management Workshop, enhancing public-private cooperation
Unit:Department of International Development

On September 19, the Ocean Affairs Council hosted the "Marine Debris Fashion Show," which ingeniously melded the concepts of a blue circular economy with cutting-edge technological fashion elements. This event advocated for the imperative of "plastic reduction" in our daily lives, highlighting the importance of sustainable practices. The following day, on the 20th, the "APEC Workshop on Regional Marine Debris Management" convened. Its overarching goal was to establish a collaborative platform for marine debris management in the Indo-Pacific region. This workshop brought together stakeholders from government, academia, research institutions, and private sectors across various countries, underlining the power of public-private collaboration in addressing this critical environmental challenge.

  • Visitor: 44
  • Update: 2024-03-19
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Ocean Affairs Council